“The Art Of” Campaign is a six-part art-based series created by the founder of Breaking the Chains Foundation, Debra Hopkins. The campaign explores the art of film, nourishment, dance, music, writing, and creation — each presented with a different celebrity and their art form. It integrates the personal approach of each celebrity and what their art form means to them. It also shines a spotlight on how that art can contribute to the healing of an eating disorder with a goal of inspiring others to express themselves via art. Each part of the series contains various photos, a personal video and written piece that the celebrity has contributed to the campaign as an outreach to those struggling, as well as their loved ones. Because art is such a healing tool, the campaign is an artistic approach that comes from the inside out, and each celebrity shares how their art form aides them in many ways. It’s meant to be a touchpoint and to engage an audience to change the conversation of eating disorders by making the topic talkable, relatable, and inspiring. In addition, each part of the series is accompanied by a work of art from Los Angeles-based artist, Jennifer Oleff, as an example of how each one of us has a different picture to paint and encourage artistic self-expression.

The Art Of was a campaign created by Debra Hopkins and produced by the non-profit 501c(3) Breaking The Chains Foundation. Photographed by Suzette Troche Stapp. Hair and make up by Cynthia Bachman Brown.