“You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.” – Oprah Winfrey

Photo credit: Cathryn Farnsworth
By Debra Hopkins, BTCF President/Founder
I was really taken by your performance of the character Monica on the episode Siblings Get Their Payback on Dhar Mann series. On top of Monica having self-esteem and confidence struggles, she gets deeply bullied in school.
Can you talk about your experience playing this character?
KAYDEN: I loved portraying Monica. In the episode, she experiences things that many can relate to. It’s a difficult age and confusing time in life. I really tried to channel that and feel everything. There were even some things she went through that I have gone through. With every project, my main goal is to tell the truth of the character through the story, and one thing I love about the Dhar Mann series is that each episode is designed to teach a life lesson.
What message would you like to share with youth who struggle and experience bullying?
KAYDEN: You can never stand for bullying. Bullies’ goals are to tear you down. You cannot let someone take away your self-esteem, pride, and who you are. Also, remember that nothing is permanent. It may feel like it won’t stop, but it will. There is always a rainbow at the end of a storm. I know it is easier said than done, but you must use your voice. Tell someone that you trust and report the issue.
We are excited to bring you on as a BTCF Youth Ambassador and loved having you MC our How To Love Yourselfie Youth Arts and Wellness Camp! What were some of your favorite moments at the camp and why?
KAYDEN: It was my absolute honor to emcee your incredible How To Love Yourselfie Youth Arts and Wellness Camp! I had never experienced anything like it, and it was inspiring in so many ways. I love how you are teaching kids of all ages how to love themselves, which is so important. One of my favorite memories was meeting Jillian Rose Reed in person. We had been working together for 2 years over zoom prior and finally getting to meet her was so special. I squeezed her so tight! I loved all the activities – dancing, singing, writing, decorating, painting, and meditating. I felt like a whole new person after that day! It was so good for my mental health. I will say, one of my favorite activities was the drum circle! I just felt so alive. It’s really incredible what you guys are doing and how you were able to bring together and inspire so many young people in our community. I was inspired!
What are some other causes that are important to you and why?
KAYDEN: I am a big supporter of Red Cross LA and the organization as a whole. The incredible work they have done and continue to do to help so many in the face of the horrific fires in LA is a testament to how essential this nonprofit is and the impact it makes in our country. I was honored to support a Red Cross LA fundraiser a few years ago as a speaker along with Mario Lopez. In addition, I was also honored to be the keynote speaker for the Walk Against Drugs and part of the Joyful Child Foundation’s “Be Brave” initiative in 2021. These are efforts and organizations that do tremendous work to keep our youth healthy and safe.
BTCF believes that all art forms have healing properties that can aid as healing tools to enrich overall wellness. How do your different forms of art create healing for yourself and others?
KAYDEN: I feel acting in movies, TV, and web series that tell different stories of struggles and then strength in the face of adversity show audiences that there is hope and people are not alone in their challenges. The beauty of the art of acting is that it can inspire people to turn those challenges into opportunities.
An amazing fact about you is you reached Junior Olympian status on the 1-meter diving board! Can you tell us more about your journey? Do you still dive?
KAYDEN: I started competitive diving when I was 9 years old and absolutely loved it. It was one of the hardest sports I had ever participated in, but I had such a blast. One thing many don’t realize is gymnastics is a big part of diving, so a lot of training was in and out of the water. We did a lot of dry land training. I took a break a couple of years ago due to my conflicting schedule, but in the summer, I love visiting my local aquatics center and practicing diving!
When did you begin acting and why is that your passion?
KAYDEN: I began acting when I was 10 years old, so I have been pursuing it for five years now. It had always been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl to act. I was very inspired by Disney sitcoms and actors like Zendaya and Bridgit Mendler. I fell in love with television and cinema. I truly feel so privileged to be able to do what I love. Acting is something I want to pursue for the rest of my life. I am also intrigued by the other side of the camera, too. Acting is such a great passion of mine because I love telling stories. Getting the opportunity to explore human emotions and bring different characters to life on screen is an incredible thing. A big goal of mine as an actor is to affect the audience with my portrayal of these characters.
Sometimes social media can be a tough space to navigate. What advice would you give to youth when it comes to body image struggles?
KAYDEN: I absolutely agree. Social media can be quite negative and even draining. It’s very easy to self-compare to others. I have had similar struggles in the past and even have some hiccups today. Especially as teenagers, all the insecurities start to creep up on you and it’s hard to control them. But I try to embrace it all. It’s a great reminder that we’re human. I feel that social media puts out an image that people want you to see. It looks like everyone is perfect, but that’s just not true. It’s hard to differentiate what’s real and what’s not. I think to navigate it, you must not believe everything you see. Also, fill your feed with positivity, things that lift you up, stuff that you love, and people you admire. More specifically, when it comes to body image, it’s very easy to feel insecure after looking at social media. I would take a social media break if you start negative self-talk. That is easier said than done, but sometimes you have to make that decision for yourself and your mental health.
What are 3 self-care tips that you do for yourself and why are they important to you?
KAYDEN: Self-care is such an important thing to me. First, I always strive to eat healthy, balanced meals. I want to keep my body nourished and don’t believe in skipping meals. It is totally understandable to become preoccupied and forget to eat, but that should not be a habit. I also love to meditate. Breathwork is so significant, and it helps calm my brain and get me started for the day. Lastly, exercise: Getting my body moving gives me more energy!
What is your favorite film festival you have gone to and why? Can you describe a great learning experience you had when you were there?
KAYDEN: I recently had the honor of attending the Montclair Film Festival in New Jersey. A film that I shot a year ago, “Stay Here” screened there on October 27. I had never been to New Jersey, so that right there was a very cool experience. The Montclair area is beautiful. I am someone who loves to travel and explore new towns, eat new food, and experience new cultures so getting to do that and experiencing the festival was amazing. The film festival is backed by Stephen Colbert and everyone I met was absolutely lovely.
Smoothie or Almonds?
KAYDEN: Smoothie. I love to start my day off with one!
Tacos or Pizza?
KAYDEN: Pizza. Always!
Merry-go-round or Rollercoaster?
KAYDEN: Rollercoaster!
Do you have anything else you would like to share and/or upcoming news?
KAYDEN: I am currently on the Gulf Coast filming an amazing movie that I can’t talk about yet, but I look forward to sharing details with everyone!
Thank you Kayden!
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