Featured Artists Blog Posts


BTCF: What was your inspiration for becoming a photographer? BELLE: I began taking dance photos of my younger sister and her friends on my phone. I then received a camera and began taking photos for my dance studio. Everyone liked the photos…


AN INTERVIEW WITH MIKE DEMENNO BTCF: When did you begin the REMO Music Center? What is the philosophy and mission behind the center? MIKE: I began working at the REMO Music Center in February of 2003.  The philosophy behind the center…


John 13:7- “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterwards you will understand.”   AN INTERVIEW WITH IRELYNN BRYAN BTCF: At what age did you start dancing? What are your favorite dance forms and why? IRELYNN:…


BTCF: As a self-published poet, you have a strong purpose and meaning behind your work.  Can you please share what that is and how you have been able to share your work? VALERIE: My calling to support the emotional well-being for all, but…

An Interview with Jaicee Partridge

“In resonance all fluid systems are united. I say that no matter where in the galaxy they may be, all fluid systems function as basically one body or organ of intelligence.”  - Emilie Conrad AN INTERVIEW WITH JAICEE PARTRIDGE BTCF:…

An Interview With Laura Barrett Larkins

"If you don't ask the answer is always 'no'" – unknown I love this quote because I think a lot of people, women in particular, were not really taught that we are allowed to ask for the things we need and want in life. Whether that be asking…

An Interview With Serena Nangia

“It is unacceptable that eating disorder recovery has become a luxury for the privileged few.” — Rebecca Eyre | Project HEAL CEO AN INTERVIEW WITH SERENA NANGIA BTCF: The work you do is inspired by your own personal story on the…

An Interview With Bailey Spinn

“Your now is not your forever” – Bailey Spinn Photo credits: Aisley Herndon @aisley , Zoe Sher Photography @zoesherphotography , Flighthouse AN INTERVIEW WITH BAILEY SPINN BTCF: You have had a unique journey within your career,…

An Interview With Mikaela Zarsky

“Be good.” AN INTERVIEW WITH MIKAELA ZARSKY BTCF: As a dancer, there are many obstacles when it comes to body image - can you share what that means to you? Mikaela: Body image is defined as the subjective picture or mental image…

An Interview With Taylor Floyd

“It is sadder to find the past again and find it inadequate to the present than it is to have it elude you and remain forever a harmonious conception of memory." ‘ F. Scott Fitzgerald AN INTERVIEW WITH TAYLOR FLOYD BTCF: What has…