Loving Me: An Interactive Body Appreciation Yoga Flow w/Q&A
January 22nd, Saturday – 10 am PST – 10:45 am PST
Join Eating Disorder Survivor, Advocate, Wellness & Fitness Coach, & Author of “Loving Me”, Natalie Leon!
She will guide a 45-minute interactive Yoga flow incorporating body confidence poses, self-empowering affirmations & mindful breath-work. Natalie will share “5-Connections to self-worth” from her recovery journey as you go beyond the poses & into guided self-reflection with other principals of the 8 Limb Path of Yoga.
Come discover how her “Loving Me Lifestyle” is impacting positive body image!
Topics to include:
- Challenging the “voice” of ED
- Moving out of love not punishment
- Metaphors of Food & Feelings
- Body Image Empowerment
and more!
Bring to class:
Mat/Towel, Paper & Pen